Thursday, September 9, 2010

Breakfast Is More Interesting Sometimes

No sooner had I put the period on my final sentence of the previous post stating that I was going to have oatmeal for breakfast than I had a hankering for eggs. Isn’t it funny how your mind fights against your best efforts when it comes to food? Anyway, I prepared “scrambled eggs” and cheese.

I used my handy-dandy egg in a cup thingy. I picked it up at TJ Maxx sometime last year for about $5. It’s pretty nifty. I scrambled one egg, a little bit of milk, salt and pepper and then I added in half a Mini Babybel Light Cheese. You’ve got to grease the cup before pouring in the egg and any excuse to grease anything makes me happy. I used about a teaspoon of butter. Put the little lid on it and nuke it for about a minute.

I had a couple of left over boiled potatoes that I didn’t put in the my fish stew and there are also still some cherry tomatoes lurking in the fridge so I decided to make some impromptu home fries. Onions, tomatoes, a little red pepper flakes and a splash of olive oil started sizzling in the pan, then I threw in the chopped up potatoes.

Lunch was pretty much the same as yesterday (fish cakes, salad, fruit on the side), but I decided to use up some of the fresh watermelon we have in the fridge. Also, the thought of having that dull pineapple again was not too appealing.

This picture is an attempt to show you that I really do eat my meals at my desk. I feel the overwhelming need to explain all the chaos and random picture of David Suchet in the background but I’m more overwhelmed by the fact that I look like I have Downs Syndrome and I ate my food before I could take an action eating shot and the fact that I should definitely wear more eye make-up if this is going to be a regular feature.


  1. What is the egg on a cup thing? Dying to have a new gadget!

  2. You are so cute, Malaika! I'm glad you put pics of you in your blog!!

  3. I found you through Bitch Cakes. I love seeing your picks. I pack like this for the kids and make mine less appealing. Love your creations. I may have to start doing that for myself. Planning . . . planning . . .

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