Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm Not Going To Use The Phrase "Hump Day" But...

Yesterday was a sick day. Today I tried to muster some energy with a healthy lunch. It sort of worked too! The Revival Story below:
  • salad (red leaf lettuce, arugula, cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, broccoli, roasted chicken)
  • salad dressing
  • frozen peaches
  • pita chips
I feel a lot better today. For some reason, I thought if I added chicken to my salad it would be better for me (protein, and all). Well, I ended up picking it out because I didn't like the texture of the soft cold chicken with the crisp crunchy veggies. And, the rest of the lunch was ok. I feel like my lunches have lacked in creativity and pizazz lately. Now that I'm feeling better, hopefully I can change that.

Moving on to things probably no one cares about, here is how I manage to keep crisp food crisp and wet food wet.
Lids! My big salad gets a lid and my peaches do too. So the pita chips are crunchy when I'm ready for them.
Oh, I started carrying my lunch box in my purse. It fits perfectly and helps me not look like a Major Nerd.
I had my personal photographer take a picture of me actually holding my purse, but I came out looking like a 5'2 weasel on her way to work. So, here's a snap of my handbag with my lunch box. Trust me, this leather bag looks a lot better than my mug at 8:00 a.m.